Kolding Midtby
Book parking spaces in advance
Everyone is able to park in the following parking spaces, in Kolding – with a booking through the Visitors app. You are able to have 5 active bookings at a time that each can last up to 24 hours.
Parking area Låsbygade
With a booking through the Visitors app, anyone can book a parking space at Låsbygade 79, for free.
The parking spaces can be booked 24/7.
The parking area is located behind the hair salon, Carnaby. The entrance is very small, therefore we recommend that you drive down the gravel road at Låsbygade 87 until you arrive at the specified area you are allowed to park in. Follow the guidelines in the app and look for the Visitors signs.
Within the gravel area you can park in any available spot that is not marked with a 'Reserveret' sign.
Remember that you must have a valid booking in the Visitors app to use the parking space.

Parking area Låsbygade
With a booking through the Visitors app, anyone can book a parking space at Låsbygade 79, for free.
The parking spaces can be booked 24/7.
The parking area is located behind the hair salon, Carnaby. The entrance is very small, therefore we recommend that you drive down the gravel road at Låsbygade 87 until you arrive at the specified area you are allowed to park in. Follow the guidelines in the app and look for the Visitors signs.
Within the gravel area you can park in any available spot that is not marked with a 'Reserveret' sign.
Remember that you must have a valid booking in the Visitors app to use the parking space.
Engstien Nord
With a booking through the Visitors app, anyone can book a parking space at Engstien 31, for free.
The parking spaces can only be booked and used during the following hours:
Mon-Fri: 07:00 – 18:00
BE AWARE that you are only allowed to park in a specific area. You are allowed to park in the Northern end of the area, all the way up near Aalykkeskolen. Follow the guidelines pictured here and in the app. If you park outside of this area, you risk getting a parking fine.
Within the specified area, you can park in any available spot that is not marked with a 'Reserveret' sign.
Remember that you must have a valid booking in the Visitors app to use the parking space.

Engstien Syd
With a booking through the Visitors app, anyone can book a parking space at Engstien 51, for free.
The parking spaces can only be booked and used during the following hours:
Mon-Fri: 07:00 – 18:00
BE AWARE that you are only allowed to park in a specific area. You can park in the Southern end, behind the building in the large gravel area. Follow the guidelines pictured here and in the app and look for the Visitors signs. You are NOT allowed to park in the asphalt parking spaces.
Within the specified area, you can park in any available spot that is not marked with a 'Reserveret' sign.
Remember that you must have a valid booking in the Visitors app to use the parking space.

Engstien Syd
With a booking through the Visitors app, anyone can book a parking space at Engstien 51, for free.
The parking spaces can only be booked and used during the following hours:
Mon-Fri: 07:00 – 18:00
BE AWARE that you are only allowed to park in a specific area. You can park in the Southern end, behind the building in the large gravel area. Follow the guidelines pictured here and in the app and look for the Visitors signs. You are NOT allowed to park in the asphalt parking spaces.
Within the specified area, you can park in any available spot that is not marked with a 'Reserveret' sign.
Remember that you must have a valid booking in the Visitors app to use the parking space.
Pierre Ejendomme
With a booking through the Visitors app, anyone can book a parking space at Saxovej 20, for free.
The parking spaces can be booked 24/7.
BE AWARE that you are only allowed to park in the parking spaces marked with a Visitors sign, not in any of the other ones. Follow the guidelines pictured here and in the app.
Within the specified area, you can park in any available spot that is not marked with a 'Reserveret' sign.
Remember that you must have a valid booking in the Visitors app to use the parking space.

Dansk Broder Orden
With a booking through the Visitors app, anyone can book a parking space at Olaf Ryes Gade 8, for free.
The parking spaces can only be booked and used during the following hours:
Everyday: 06:00 - 17:00
You can park in any available spot, that is not marked with a 'Reserveret' sign.
On the right side of the parking lot, there is an open gate through which you can quickly access Vestre Ringvej.
Remember that you must have a valid booking in the Visitors app to use the parking space.

Dansk Broder Orden
With a booking through the Visitors app, anyone can book a parking space at Olaf Ryes Gade 8, for free.
The parking spaces can only be booked and used during the following hours:
Everyday: 06:00 - 17:00
You can park in any available spot, that is not marked with a 'Reserveret' sign.
On the right side of the parking lot, there is an open gate through which you can quickly access Vestre Ringvej.
Remember that you must have a valid booking in the Visitors app to use the parking space.
Missionshuset Bethel
With a booking through the Visitors app, anyone can book a parking space at Clemensgade 1, for free.
The parking spaces can only be booked and used during the following hours:
Mon: 06:00 – 14:00
Tue: 06:00 – 17:00
Wed: 06:00 – 16:00
Thurs: 06:00 – 17:00
Fri: 06:00 – 16:00
You can park in any available spot, that is not marked with a 'Reserveret' sign.
Remember that you must have a valid booking in the Visitors app to use the parking space.

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